Haley Erickson ’24

“Nichols has prepared me for the interviewing process by holding mock interviews during my Professional Development Seminar (PDS) classes.”


Holliston, Massachusetts

Class Year:





Criminal Justice

Eight Questions* with Haley Erickson

1. Why did you choose Nichols?

I chose Nichols because I like that it’s a small campus and I can really connect with the teachers and my classmates. When I took my first tour of Nichols, I fell in love with the atmosphere of campus, and I knew that it was the college I wanted to be a part of.

2. In what extracurricular, leadership or athletics activities are you involved?

I currently am a student assistant on our marketing/communications team I am part of the Nichols Marketing and Communications (Marcomm) department, working as a marketing assistant, and I volunteered for the Bison Pantry, which provides students experiencing food insecurity with access to food and resources.

3. Tell us about a favorite assignment or project at Nichols and why it remains memorable.

My favorite project at Nichols was the film festival we put together in my Visual Communications class. We interviewed a student at Nichols, made posters and other materials to promote the interview and then presented it at the end of the semester in Daniels Auditorium. This remains memorable to me because I got to work with a great group of people throughout the project, and I got to know and understand how the student we interviewed found Nichols as well as his back story. This project also allowed me to show my creative skills, which ultimately got me a chance to work in Marcomm as a marketing assistant.

4. When and where are you happiest at Nichols?

I am happiest at the Nichols sports games, especially the basketball and hockey games.

5. What are your plans after graduation and how has Nichols prepared you for your career?

My plan after graduation is to find a job within social media marketing. Nichols has prepared me for the interviewing process by holding mock interviews during my Professional Development Seminar (PDS) classes and by offering an Effective Speaking class. These two classes really helped me be more comfortable and confident going into job interviews and helped me hone my public speaking skills. Nichols also holds career fairs and has courses such as Visual Communications and Studio Production that are specifically tailored to learning how to use Adobe software, which have really helped me gain experience for when I apply for a job in marketing.

6. What do you consider your greatest Nichols achievement?

My greatest Nichols achievement is achieving Dean's List for three semesters and President’s List for three semesters.

7. Describe your Nichols classmates in three words.

Spirited, energetic and welcoming.

8. What advice would you give to future Bison?

The advice I would give to future Bison is to get involved as much as possible on campus because that is where you will find friends and connections for work after college. I would also tell them to enjoy every moment and attend all the events because college will fly by, and you want to make every moment memorable.

*Why eight questions? Nichols College is ranked No. 8 nationally among undergraduate business schools for salary potential by Payscale.

Hometown: Barre, MA

Class: '24

Major: Corporate Finance & Investment

Minor: International Business