Personal Empowerment

What moves you? Motivates you? How do your personal passions line up with your career? With philanthropy? With success? We believe in your power to make change, and our coursework is designed specifically to help you discover more about how you can make an impact.

The Nichols Way

The Nichols Way is a guiding principle for all Nichols College students, faculty, and staff. We build curriculum and programming that supports student development and creates an environment of empathetic exploration.

A Dynamic Experience

The Nichols Way is baked into every course, every activity, every event, and especially the core classes that every first- and second-year students take. Together, we’ll explore the connections between who we are and where we’re going, and build on the foundational skills you’ve already earned by naturally engaging in your hobbies, sports, and academic pursuits. You won’t just be asked to write papers and give presentations, you’ll act as a thought leader on the topics that truly matter to you. In this way, you’ll not only strengthen your own core skills, but learn about a huge range of important issues from the community around you and discover what personal empowerment means to you.

What will you discover on the Hill?

Engaged Professors

Our professors come from all walks of life, and embody the principle that those who lead must do. They are industry veterans, accomplished scholars, and students of the world who are each uniquely accomplished and eager to help you turn your passion into a career. Why does that matter? When you find that one thing that truly sparks you, there will be a Nichols professor who can help you kindle the flame. They stand ready with hard-earned networks of global entrepreneurs, industry knowledge, and outreach capabilities that will help you not only focus your learning, but land you exploratory internships and career-making professional introductions.

From Dream to Reality

Classes like the IDEA Lab and the Entrepreneurial Bootcamp were offered to help students turn dreams into viable businesses. Whether you’re thinking of starting a new nonprofit charity or taking a run at high fashion, you’ll find a place in our curriculum to workshop your ideas with other eager young entrepreneurs and seasoned veterans.