Master of Science in Counterterrorism

Earn your MSC and get the skills and knowledge needed to analyze and respond to the evolving threat of terrorism in a range of careers related to national security and counterterrorism. You’ll explore real-world applications, such as intelligence analysis, border security, and cybersecurity.

18 months. 100% online.

Graduates of the Nichols MSC in counterterrorism, homeland security, and security studies are a differentiator in police departments, intelligence agencies, and other emergency management fields. Every department has ‘one more capability’ when they have graduates of our counterterrorism master’s program on their force.

How does the MSC program at Nichols College work?

The Nichols MSC program is a graduate-level degree program that focuses on providing students with a deep understanding of violent extremism and terrorism, regarding its origins, and tactics, as well as strategies for preventing and responding to terrorist and other national security threats. The program includes courses in national security policy, intelligence analysis, counterterrorism operations, and emergency management.

In this program, you may also study topics such as the radicalization process, political violence, cyberterrorism, civil liberty constraints, and the use of technology in counterterrorism operations. The curriculum is designed to prepare you for a career in law enforcement, intelligence agencies, emergency management, and other fields related to national security.

Going into law enforcement – especially federal law enforcement – with a Master of Science Degree in Counterterrorism will not only make you stand out but will help you advance your career with a different agency, promotions, and so much more.

-Jared Richards, MSC ’20

What are the benefits of obtaining a Master of Science in Counterterrorism?

If you are considering getting your MSC, you likely already know how beneficial this degree will be to your current or future career in intelligence, law enforcement, or emergency management. But let’s go over some of the most tangible benefits, just in case:

  • Specialized Knowledge: A Master of Science in Counterterrorism provides students with specialized knowledge in the field of counterterrorism, including strategies, tactics, and techniques that can be used to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorist threats. This specialized knowledge can be applied in various fields, such as law enforcement, military, intelligence, homeland security, and private security.
  • Career Opportunities: Obtaining an MSC can provide students with a competitive edge in the job market. Graduates of the Nichols MSC program can pursue careers in many different fields, including government agencies, private security companies, international organizations, and non-profit research agencies.
  • Networking Opportunities: An MSC from Nichols College provides opportunities for you to network with professionals in the field, including faculty members, guest speakers, and fellow students. This can help you build relationships that may lead to job opportunities, internships, or other professional opportunities.
  • Critical Thinking: Counterterrorism involves complex and rapidly evolving threats, requiring individuals to think critically and creatively to develop effective responses. An MSC from Nichols College will provide you with the skills to analyze and evaluate information, make informed decisions, and develop effective strategies.
  • Global Perspective: Terrorism is an international phenomenon that requires a global perspective. A Nichols MSC will provide you with a broad understanding of the geopolitical, economic, and cultural factors that contribute to terrorism, as well as the global efforts to combat it. This can help you develop a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the field.

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Play Dr. Alison McDowell-Smith, Program Chair of MSC, video

Hot Jobs for MSC Holders

Graduates of the Nichols MSC program are equipped with specialized skills and knowledge that can be applied to a range of careers related to national security and counterterrorism. Some top job roles for MSC holders include:

  • Intelligence Analyst: Collects and analyzes information about potential security threats to inform decision-making and national security policy.
  • Cyber Defense Analyst: Analyze data and events to mitigate cyber threats to organizations and individuals.
  • Emergency Management Director: Coordinates preparedness, responses, recover, and mitigation to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other emergencies to ensure the safety of individuals and communities.
  • Law Enforcement Officer: Investigates and apprehends individuals suspected of engaging in criminal behavior, including terrorist-related activities, and works to prevent terrorism through community outreach and engagement.
  • Security Consultant: Provides expertise and advice on security measures to organizations and individuals to minimize the risk of threats.
  • Researcher: Conducts research and analysis on terrorism and national security issues to inform policy and decision-making.
  • Policy Analyst — Develops and analyzes national security policy related to counterterrorism efforts.

Our MSC graduates are well-prepared for careers in law enforcement, intelligence agencies, emergency management, and other fields related to national security and counterterrorism.

In On The Action

Nichols College MSC students were part of two teams for the Department of Homeland Security Invent2Prevent Project (2021 and 2022), which aims to reduce targeted violence and terrorism within our communities.  MSC students also participated in the 2019 Cybersecurity Incident Response Workshop as part of the Governor’s Cyber Resiliency Working Group and the 2020 MEMA National-Level Exercise.  It’s these opportunities to grow your network while learning from working professionals that make our Counterterrorism program unique and valuable.

Internships & Experiential Learning

Every Nichols College student benefits from an experiential learning opportunity. Students explore their passions by working with real businesses, community partners, or industry experts on projects that make an impactful difference. Because of our specialized focus on career readiness, students graduate with the experience and confidence they need to succeed in the real world.

72% of total MSC graduates since its creation in 2017 are employed within the counterterrorism field.

Special Opportunity for Nichols MSC Applicants

Nichols College partners with Team Training Associates (TTA), an organization that teaches leadership and human performance management to private and public employees nationwide. Nichols’ MSC applicants who have completed the TTA’s Public Safety Leadership Academy will receive three (3) credits toward our graduate program.

During TTA’s immersive 5-day program, students learn evidence-based strategies and skills to become exceptional leaders. The workshop, which is modeled after the FBI National Academy’s framework, brings diverse groups of public safety leaders together to learn and network in a collaborative environment.

Honoring Our Heroes

We’re proud to offer reduced rates to first responders and law enforcement professionals, as well as special pricing for active duty, reserve, and veteran military service professionals.

Master of Science in Counterterrorism (MSC) Courses

Common Core (12 credits)

BUS 613 Foundations of Inquiry analyzes the habits of inquiry required for building a culture of higher-level thinking; examines professional power-skills (soft-skills) and values required by executive leaders; integrates expectations in research, scholarship, and readiness through scholarly assignments that build proficiency in APA writing compliance and the Graduate learning plat-forms. Students will immerse in a culture of research, thought-leadership, and build an inquisitive approach to learn and culti-vate knowledge throughout the master's program.

Today's business reaches across national and international borders, and the successful business leader understands this paradigm. This course will lead the student through discovery, analysis, and utilization of international business practices. In order to complete this course successfully, the student will identify and understand governmental policies, international organizations and competition as well as models for doing business in developing nations using culture in the decision-making process.

The course will provide an introduction to the evolution of intelligence within the United States construct. An overview of the history and role of intelligence in the U.S. Government and its Intelligence Community members will be provided. Students will be exposed to the Intelligence Cycle through case studies, including those of intelligence failures. There will be further development of skillsets focused on understanding key elements of intelligence products using basic analytic tools.

Key leadership theories and perspectives will be discussed in the public sector context. Students will be challenged to evaluate leadership theories and perspectives aspects from a practical and ethical lens and understand the link between leadership ideas and concepts of public sector leadership, political stakeholders, and constituents. The leadership perspective focuses on how public organization and their leaders cope with change in a complex environment placing multiple and contradicting demands on the organization. Topics include the distinctiveness of leadership in public organization, different types of leadership authority, leadership as institution-building, and public leadership in times of crisis.

Violent Extremism Focus (18 credits)

This course examines the definition of homegrown (domestic) violent extremism and examines the radical individuals that are involved. The following groups will be evaluated in-depth: Antifa, Earth Liberation Front, Animal Liberation Front, KKK, and ISIS lone-wolf attacks. Students will gain an understanding of how these various homegrown violent extremist groups and individuals have altered our current society. This course will stress that approximately one-third of terrorist attacks within the United States include individuals with no known affiliation to extremist groups, yet they have extreme ideologies.

International violent extremism is at the forefront of our current society and politics. In order to grasp a deeper understanding of violent extremism, it is necessary to examine various international violent extremist groups; including ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, and Hezbollah. Through analyses of international violent extremist groups, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of how violent extremism is a global threat.

Students will comprehend the current threat actors, actions, strategies, and security measures in the cyberspace environment. Focus will be placed on computer network attack vectors and security principles that humans can manipulate, exploit, and defend within this virtual environment. This course will prepare students to comprehend the existing challenges in combating cyber threats and construct a comprehensive plan that addresses the modern cyber threat landscape.

Border security provides students with a thorough examination of border and entry points into the United States with the assistance of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Department of Transportation. The course will explore modern transportation and border security challenges (specifically violent extremism), as well as techniques to combat those challenges. The transportation and border systems of particular interest within this course include seaports, airports, and border crossings. Students will develop a greater understanding of how to prepare and respond to potential border security threats of violent extremists through the interagency cooperation of federal, state, local, and private organizations.

Violent extremist groups such as ISIS have routinely utilized social media to attack Westerner followers. Social media allows violent extremists to communicate and network with the ultimate goal of radicalizing individuals to join their groups by adhering to their ideologies. Not only does social media assist violent extremists through a logistical perspective, but also in regards to accomplishing their overall goal of instilling continuous fear among societies. The various news frames of social media will provide a better understanding of how violent extremists utilize our social media to achieve their goals.

Counter violent extremism (CVE) strategies are necessary in order to combat both domestic and international violent extremism. Radicalization into violent extremism is occurring throughout our world and it is necessary to understand this radicalization process, in addition to ideologies. Once students understand these radicalization processes and ideologies, CVE strategies can be developed and implemented within federal, state, and local communities. This course will specifically, examine CVE strategies occurring in the U.S. through federal grant opportunities and through the online social media campaigns.

Kerry Cole

Director of Graduate Student Recruitment and Business Development

Office: 508-213-2156
